Monday, January 11, 2010

Who Am I Doing This For?

My Aunt Sue sent this video to me in a fwd email. I am amazed at how perfect the timing of this message is for me. My life is so full of blessings, but sometimes when the food gets thrown at me, or the room I just cleaned is trashed 30 minutes later, or I get screamed at in my face because she doesn't want the blue cup she wants the GREEN!!!!! one, it's easy to forget what I'm doing this for. It's easy to let thoughts of frustration, guilt, and depression stay and move out the thoughts of gratitude, divinity in my job, and understanding of my young children's LACK of understanding. Thank you Sue for sharing this with me. It has boosted my spirits and confidence in my abilities and role as a mother. As I hope it does for any parent, teacher, or mentor who sees it here.
This is the link to it on Youtube if the video isn't working on my blog.


Jenni said...

totally awesome! I wrote down some of the quotes from this in my planner. See ya!

Clynn'sKathy said...

Okay, this video brought some tears and lots of memories. I logged onto your blog through Dave and Heather's link just to see how your family has grown; your kids are SO CUTE!
Awhile back, someone (one of my daughters, I think, who is now a mommy), sent me a short article entitled "The Incredible Vanishing Woman," which has a similar sort of theme, but not as religious--still, moms can relate.
I'm sending it to Heather to pass on to you, in case you are interested.
Thanks for being good neighbors and friends to my kids (yeah, when you look at a photo of my family, you totally know Heather was destined to be part of it somehow!)
Kathleen Whitworth