Monday, March 30, 2009
The Boy Can Dance!
Check out my brother's moves! The good looking "show boater" in the front (white shirt & tie) is my baby brother, Ben. He's a really great dancer and has been doing lots of fun dancing stuff over at the Y. He's not a student there, but has been fortunate enough to have made lots of good friends and be involved in the swing dance activities they have. His dream is to finish his bachelor's degree and then become a dance instructor with his own studio. Here, he helped to teach a group of students the famous swing line dance "The Shim Sham." Super fun! Go Ben!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Life is Hard, The Gospel of Jesus Christ is Simple

I learned some things at church today. More like was reminded of some things. The spirit spoke very clearly to my heart today. It was fast and testimony meeting in our ward. There were many wonderful testimonies shared but one in particular humbled me and made me realize a few things. I was also very inspired and moved to tears during a beautiful lesson given in relief society by the second counselor in our Bishopric. I’d like to share a few impressions I received while listening to these two people speak with the spirit.
First my dear friend, who has been experiencing an exceptionally difficult run of hard times, stood and shared her sweet testimony. She has struggled with serious financial stress, a beautiful child whose actions have been contrary to her own testimony, and physical pain and health issues one after another. The first thing she said was that she has felt very blessed and wished to publically express her gratitude to her Heavenly Father for that.
My Thoughts: Amazing example of humility and gratitude. Most people in this world would take the opportunity to wallow in their woes and blame God and everyone around them for all of their hardships. Instead she is sincerely focused on her blessings and has been ever faithful.
She then bore her testimony of having been through some financial difficulties and the obvious blessings the Lord has bestowed upon her because of her faithfulness in paying tithing and fast offerings.
My Thoughts: Again a true example of Faithfulness. She has adopted the mind set of how can I afford NOT to? Instead of Satan’s rationale how can I afford tithes and fast offerings when money is so tight?
She also gave testimony of the power of the priesthood and expressed her sincerest thanks to the worthy and willing priesthood holders in the ward who have served her family through sharing that priesthood power. She said that even though she does not have that power residing in her home, she is so blessed to know that it’s just moments away if she needs it.
My Thoughts: I’m so grateful to my husband for not only being of service to us, his family, in that respect. But I am thankful that he is so willing to give of his time and serve my friends and our ward members as well. I know what it’s like to not have the priesthood in my home. Too many years, I lived my life without that extra security. I’m eternally grateful to my husband for bringing that sense of security the true priesthood of God gives, into my life.
Again, I felt humbled by this very sweet and sincere testimony. It is just a reminder to me that complaints and negativity about our lives, circumstances, and trials are Satan’s way. This doesn’t mean that we are not entitled to grieve or feel our human emotions. Sometimes a good cry or venting session is what our bodies need to get through a tough time. But the Lord’s way is allowing our spirits to raise us out of our sorrows and remind us that the Lord is on our side and will make us strong so long as we are humbly and actively seeking His help and doing His will.
On that note I’m so blessed to have had two substantially spiritually charged experiences today. As I said before, our second counselor in the bishopric spoke in Relief Society today. The thoughts he shared with us were especially meaningful to me. I wish I could repeat word for word what was said, but instead I’ll share the moments that I felt the Holy Ghost speaking straight to my heart. He talked about Rocket Scientists. We look at them and we see above average smart, best in their class, only the top notch types could do that job. He then explained that that way of thinking is too often used in regards to the Celestial Kingdom. We look at that endeavor and think to ourselves, oh that’s just for the best of the best, the elite, and more perfect than me. I was struck with the very tender whispering that I have been, and no longer should be, thinking this way. I realized that no matter how hard I try to be everything I think I should be, I’ve never allowed what I do and who I am to be enough. As the tears started to come he continued by reminding us that the gospel is simple. Satan would try to convince us that it is hard and impossible to live up to. This is not truth. The gospel is easy. Life is hard, yes. But the gospel is simple. Read your scriptures, say your prayers, and go to or be in process of getting to the temple regularly. That’s it, he said. In my mind I immediately started to think of the many other things, go to church, pay tithing, be Christ like in all things, etc. Then the spirit whispered again. If I’m doing those three simple things, the much larger list that started to form in my head, those things just take care of themselves. Those other things fall into place and are just a natural extension of the simpler list of three.
He confirmed these thoughts by saying that there isn’t a person doing those three simple things that isn’t living the gospel. Those who have stepped off the path whether temporarily or permanently have at one point stopped doing one or more of these three things. I felt the truthfulness of those words.
I shared my thoughts about the very dangerous no deadly trap we can get ourselves into. That is the trap of comparing our weaknesses to other people’s strengths. Which brings about the thoughts of I’m not enough, and certainly am not as perfect as so and so. I thought to myself after I had made that statement that I am horrible about falling into this trap. I find traits in others that I admire and then start to ask myself why I’m not better at that like them. My house isn’t as pretty as… or I’m not strong like… I don’t pray as often as… I’m not beautiful like… I’m not super mom like…
Then he looked straight into my eyes and with power straight from the Holy Ghost said to me, Sister Taylor, you are doing the best that you can, you ARE good enough. You are on the path. It doesn’t matter which stretch of the path we are on as long as we are on it. You are on the path. He said when you stand before the Lord for judgment, he will say to you, Brandy how are YOU? Not Brandy, how are you in comparison to…
Relief and humility filled my soul. I know that the temptation to compare myself and tell myself I’m less than, stems from Pride and Satan. Today, I have been reminded that if I just simplify, be better at those three simple things, the confidence of being enough in God’s eyes will reign over my prideful insecurities and eventually remove that urge to compare all together.
Again, where we are on the path is secondary to simply being on the path. At the end of his lesson he encouraged us to take time to read The Way a talk given by Lawrence E. Corbridge during the October 2008 General Conference. It can be found in the November 2008 Ensign.
I bear testimony that these things I’ve shared are true. The Lord Jesus Christ is the way. The Holy Ghost is a real member of the Godhead and he teaches us all that the Lord would have us know. If we are listening and inviting him to be with us, we can know the mysteries of God and be reminded of the simplicity of God’s plan. Heavenly Father loves us. I believe this with all my heart. I share these reminders in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Friday, March 6, 2009
The results are in!!
I haven't done much talking about the pregnancy thus far. To be honest, I haven't really felt all that chatty about being pregnant since I've been non-stop sick for the past twenty weeks! Also, pregnancy has become somewhat of a routine for me considering I'm having my third child within our three and a half years of marriage. But today was an extremely exciting day for us! We went in for our twenty week ultra sound and got the news of what sex the baby is. This is our third and final pregnancy so with two beautiful daughters we were of course hoping for the chance to add a son to our little family. How blessed we are that we are going to be having just that. A SON!!
Plastic Surgery!?!
Lately anytime I'm out with Genevieve I keep getting asked the same questions. What happened to her eye? And Is that ever going to heal? Well for over two months now I haven't had an answer. This unsightly bump/bruise started out as a simple little teeny bump that resembled an ingrown hair or pimple. I left it be, thinking it would go away by itself as those things usually do. But when it grew to the size of a bee-bee and started to turn red then purple I took her into the doctor. Again, this was two months ago... They looked at it and we all assumed that she had somehow hit her face on something causing a small hematoma that needed draining. So Genny, like a champ, laid on her back and silently let them poke at it several times with a sterile needle. They drained the blood out and the size of the bump decreased significantly but the color of bruising never went away. So Friday after the size of the bump had, over time, increased again, I took Genevieve in again. They looked at it again and drained it again. Understandably, she wasn't as patient with them this time. Crying and panicking she endured the needle poke at her face once more. Poor thing. The nurse practitioner wanted the doctor to look at it one more time. She said as she was draining it, she could see it drain and then refill itself. So the doctor came in and took a real close look and figured out what it is. He said that it is a dermoid syst. Basically an oil gland that has no opening. He said that it probably got a slight infection and then was bled into with no way for draining. I asked what we do now, he said we get her into a good plastic surgeon. The whole gland sac needs to be removed from her face. If we don't remove it she'll end up with permanent scaring and discoloration and a need to go in for regular drainings. Needless to say I was in shock! First of all, Plastic Surgery!! It just sounds so Big. Then again, permanent scaring and discoloration on her beautiful face!! Not to mention routine pokes to her face with a needle! Even Bigger. So we'll be making an appointment sooner than later for sure. Who knew something so small could be such a Big deal? Poor kid!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
AnnaBelle's First Big Bonk
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Make Believe...
So, Brandy was just telling me a little story about what Genevieve was doing the other morning. She was sitting at the table eating some cereal. She started dropping some on the floor. "Genny, what are you doing? Stop throwing food on the floor." "The big bad wolf's tummy grumbling. I feeding him." "Well, it's nice of you to want to share but tell him to get a plate, get up to the table and eat at the table like the rest of us. We don't eat off the floor in this family."
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