I love the Autumn season! What's not to love? Falling leaves, warm cozy sweaters, smokin' hot leather boots (if I'm lucky some new ones!), and best of all... children playing in piles of leaves.
We had a spectacular Fall day today. The temperature was perfection, the leaves were beautifully colored, and I don't have to have surgery! WHAT!? What is she talking about, you might ask. It's simple really.
This past Saturday evening, into the night, and on through Sunday morning. I was in the worst pain of my life. Not kidding. Yes, I've had two children, got through 9 hours of labor with each, and not an ounce of epidural. I was begging for drugs to stop this pain. I spent Sunday morning in the ER as they did tests and asked questions about my pain. When I described the heartburn multiplied by a million and sharp knife like pain from the front right rib cage straight through my back right shoulder blade, they instantly knew something was wrong with my gall bladder. The pain medicine kicked in and my ultra sound looked normal so they sent me home. I went back to the hospital today, feeling much better, to do a HIDA Scan. The results for that came back and although I need to watch my fat intake it's not so bad that I HAVE to have it removed. Whew!
So our family spent the rest of the day celebrating in the cool sunshine! Genevieve helped Daddy clean up the leaves that had fallen. AnnaBelle sat and played in them. She apparently finds leaves very tasty. Then Genny and I went through them and chose a few exceptionally beautiful ones and made a lovely picture together. What a Great Day!